eAuction 79 12/31/22, 5:00 PM - UTC Go to catalog Lot 1 to 305 Ended eAuction 78 20% Kommission 11/30/22, 5:00 PM - UTC Go to catalog Lot 1 to 351 Ended Auction 406 Nice Prospects! Go to catalog Ended Friday Lots 1 – 1400buyers premium = 12%, Lotfee = CHF 10.- 11/25/22, 9:00 AM - UTC Information Lot 1 to 1400 Saturday Lots 1401 – 2276buyers premium = 12%, Lotfee = CHF 10.- 11/26/22, 9:00 AM - UTC Information Lot 1401 to 2276 eAuction 77 10/31/22, 5:00 PM - UTC Go to catalog Lot 1 to 323 Ended eAuction 76 9/30/22, 4:00 PM - UTC Go to catalog Lot 1 to 296 Ended Auction 405 – Lazy Summer! 9/2/22, 8:00 AM - UTC Go to catalog Lot 1 to 1728 Ended eAuction 75 8/31/22, 4:00 PM - UTC Go to catalog Lot 1 to 280 Ended eAuction 74 7/31/22, 4:00 PM - UTC Go to catalog Lot 1 to 264 Ended eAuction 73 6/30/22, 4:00 PM - UTC Go to catalog Lot 1 to 274 Ended Auction 404 Cork out! 6/10/22, 8:00 AM - UTC Go to catalog Lot 1 to 2139 Ended eAuction 72 5/31/22, 4:00 PM - UTC Go to catalog Lot 1 to 281 Ended eAuction 71 4/30/22, 4:00 PM - UTC Go to catalog Lot 1 to 263 Ended eAuction 70 3/31/22, 4:00 PM - UTC Go to catalog Lot 1 to 245 Ended Auction 403 Cool Drinkings! 3/4/22, 9:00 AM - UTC Go to catalog Lot 1 to 1953 Ended eAuction 69 2/28/22, 5:00 PM - UTC Go to catalog Lot 1 to 270 Ended eAuction 68 1/31/22, 5:00 PM - UTC Go to catalog Lot 1 to 278 Ended